Sunday, July 11, 2010

Will You Be My Fallen Angel?

I'm obsessed with darkness, gore, angels, fallen angels mainly. That's just me. So you can imagine how I felt when reading House of Night when a fallen angel entered the story.

Life can be tough for me at times, mainly cause of the haters, well not haters just.....disagreers, but two very special people in my life keep me happy. Seann and Vicky I love you more than anything just for that alone. And everything else that comes along with us amazes me. You girls are absoleutley beautiful and sweet. I hope you realise how much I lovw you guys :3

And it's another lazy Sunday for me. And it's Oxygen weekend here in Ireland, and if you don't know what Oxygen is you don't know music! LOOL..

Anyhoo I'm leaving you all with a song by a band who are playing at Oxygen today and I deeply love the band! Byeeeeee xx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haii I totally adore angels too, even more if they are goth and mysterious =3..btw 30 to mars rockss!!!

  3. HI, I am the photo editor of a Theological Academic Journal and am interested in publishing this image of the fallen angel. Could you please put me in touch with the person who took this photo, so I can inquire about the usage of this image, please?
